Friday 31 May 2013

Game of Thrones dinner.

Last night Glenn and I went to a Game of Thrones themed dinner with a few friends. There was no official award, but I'm pretty sure I won best dressed :)

The best thing about a GoT theme is that there are so many redheads to choose from! I almost went as Sansa (wearing the medieval crushed velvet dress that I wore to my year 12 ball... I was such a cool kid.), but ended up being more drawn to being Melisandre. She's kind of evil but I am enthralled by her character nonetheless!

 I really love being able to make my own costume using pieces I find myself, rather than buying a costume online. This costume was mostly taken from op shops (the dress and the jewellery), while I found the secondhand cape on Etsy. Meanwhile Glenn took the easy way out and bought a onesie from Kigu :)

And my pretty dragon husband:

Some of the other costumes:

Among the tasty treats: dragon eggs!

Monday 27 May 2013

Op shop finds.

Last week was HECTIC with lots of markings and shoots, and so I had a day off today to relax and get  some errands done - firstly to dye my hair (which was SO overdue) and also to go op shopping for a costume for a Game of Thrones dinner I'm going to on Friday (photos to come!).

Of course, while op shopping, I couldn't help but keep an eye out for other pretty things I might like to purchase :) So this outfit is made up of my finds - the jacket, scarf and dress were all bought at one op shop in Subiaco. Glenn and I went for a quick walk around the neighbourhood afterwards to get some photos of my new outfit - and met a friendly cat on our travels :)

Dress, jacket and scarf: all from the Salvos op shop in Subiaco. Their clothes tend to be a lot more expensive than other op shops, but they're a much better quality!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Exploring Fremantle.

Fremantle is such an interesting and diverse area. Every time I go there I find something new and pretty to take photos of. It's really a must-visit area for anyone who comes to Perth, no matter what your interests!

We had a client meeting in Freo this morning, so we went for an explore afterwards :)

Dress: Vintage (from pop up vintage store in Northbridge)
Cardigan: Dangerfield
Bag: Op shopped
Shoes: Op shopped
Necklace: Pigeonhole

Friday 17 May 2013

Maebe on a t shirt.

So, it turns out I'm one of those people who wears t shirts with pictures of my cats on them.

When we were in the Gold Coast a few months ago, we came across a stall at Surfers Paradise markets that screen printed phone (read: instagram) photos on t shirts, right there and then. Scrolling through my instagram photos, what else would I choose but a picture of Maebe wearing glasses?? (.... I was pretending she was Professer McGonagall.)

Top: screen printed photo of Maebe from my instagram feed (@laurenjhall) made by Instathreds
Skirt: Op shopped

Monday 13 May 2013

Adventuring in El Questro Part 4: Horse riding.

At the end of our day off we went for a horse ride - it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I was pretty terrible at it, but my horse, Moonshine, took good care of me :)

The scenery was beautiful, and apart from Glenn geeing my horse on to a canter when I wasn't expecting it, it was a very relaxing and serene experience.

I accidentally dressed like a jockey instead of a cowboy, but just in case any of you actually desire that look....

Top: Op shopped
Jeans: Primark