Friday 31 May 2013

Game of Thrones dinner.

Last night Glenn and I went to a Game of Thrones themed dinner with a few friends. There was no official award, but I'm pretty sure I won best dressed :)

The best thing about a GoT theme is that there are so many redheads to choose from! I almost went as Sansa (wearing the medieval crushed velvet dress that I wore to my year 12 ball... I was such a cool kid.), but ended up being more drawn to being Melisandre. She's kind of evil but I am enthralled by her character nonetheless!

 I really love being able to make my own costume using pieces I find myself, rather than buying a costume online. This costume was mostly taken from op shops (the dress and the jewellery), while I found the secondhand cape on Etsy. Meanwhile Glenn took the easy way out and bought a onesie from Kigu :)

And my pretty dragon husband:

Some of the other costumes:

Among the tasty treats: dragon eggs!

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